Sunday, February 13, 2011


This weekend three friends and I went to Sevilla (Seville) for a night, and it was so much fun. I studied abroad in Sevilla in 2007 and had forgotten how much I loved the city. It's very different from Malaga, it has a slightly more "Spanish" feel because there are fewer tourists, and it's the capital of Andalucia so there are a lot of cultural and historical attractions. The big things to see are the Cathedral, which is the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, the Giralda, the bell tower next to the Cathedral, the Plaza de España, and the Plaza de Toros among others. Determined to be the best tourists possible, after dropping our bags at the hostel we set off to explore. First stop, the Cathedral.

The Catedral de Sevilla is the third largest church in the world, and it's hard to convey just how big that is without standing inside the structure. Originally the site was home to a mosque constructed in the 1100s, but the cathedral was begun in 1401 and finished roughly 100 years later. The cathedral is absolutely stunning. The Gothic arches are massive, it's highest point is 138 feet, and there are intricate stained glass windows, wood carvings and small chapels all over the building.

Catedral de Sevilla

The largest Gothic cathedral in the world

Altar de Plata

Determined tourists
Catedral and part of the Giralda

Next to the Cathedral is the Giralda, or bell tower. The Giralda is 343 feet tall, and this weekend was the fourth time I've climbed it. As someone who doesn't like heights, I think that's a pretty good accomplishment considering I'm fairly certain grows each time. The upside is that on a clear day like we got, you can see for miles and the view is pretty spectacular, as long as you don't look down. I made that mistake the first time I climbed it - terrifying.

Bull ring from the Giralda
The views are worth the height
On the way up!

After our cultural excursion we headed down to the Guadalquivir River for some Sevillan food. Amidst our croquetas (mandatory), adobo, chicken and beer, all four of us decided that our weekend trip was a fantastic decision. Then we took a pedalboat out on the river to see the city and play chicken against some Spanish teens. I think we won! We couldn't have asked for a better day to relax on the water and pedal around a Spanish river. My life is not real.

View from our pedalboat
Just a casual Saturday lunch

Our driver for all of 10 minutes...

Rio Guadalquivir

The Plaza de España was built in 1929 for the Ibero-American Exposition World's Fair. Located inside the Parque Maria Luisa, the main building is a semi-circle designed to show Spain's cultural and technological exploits. There are many alcoves representing various Spanish provinces that have been decorated with intricate ceramic designs, as Sevilla is known for its ceramic work. The Plaza is one of my favorite locations in Sevilla, even though I didn't visit this time. I had a very good reason though, I was having lunch at my host parents' (better known as Meli & Nessy) house!

On Saturday after lunch we decided to poke around in the famous Triana ceramic stores. Unfortunately, they don't reopen after siesta but we continued wandering to my host family's house. I hadn't talked to them since we left in December 2007, not for lack of wanting but they're not so good with technology, so I had no idea if they still lived there or whatnot. Anyhow, I buzzed their apartment with no answer but then I heard the front door of the building unlock. I decided I would just run upstairs and knock on their door. Maybe they were siesta-ing or something, but I had to try. However, the people who unlocked the door were in fact, Meli and Nessy! After recovering from their shock at seeing me and exchanging hugs, kisses and a few shouts of Hija!!! (My daughter!!) they invited me back for lunch on Sunday. Not only do I love them, but Ernesto (Nessy) is a chef, so how could I say no? I still can't get over how perfect our timing was, I'm sure people are sick of my talking about it but after that experience, fate (or something like it) is real.

Me, Meli and Nessy

On Saturday night we went to an amazing flamenco show organized by our hostel before going out for all of one hour and then calling it a night. After a long day of climbing, walking, pedaling and sightseeing, we were beat. Sunday was a more relaxed day with my friends heading off to the Plaza de España and me venturing back to Triana to catch up with my Spanish family. A lot has happened in the past few years including a wedding, a baby on the way, new boyfriends, girlfriends, new businesses and thankfully, the faithful bulldog Gordo (yes, that means fat) is still alive. My weekend in Sevilla was undoubtedly one of my favorites of this entire experience, here are some more pictures!

A flamenco show in the street
Plaza Nueva (so excited that I remembered the name!)

Beware of the small blond, she's fiesty

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