Sunday, November 28, 2010

gobble gobble

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year, namely because it centers around one of my favorite activities: eating. Also my favorite food in the entire world, mashed potatoes, is featured prominently, so you can't go wrong. Normally at home I spend my Thanksgiving lounging on the couch watching hours of football (not soccer) and stretching my stomach muscles for the impending feast. This year, some adjustments were made. Rather than casually doing nothing all day, I went to school where I taught the reproductive system to a giggly class of 4th graders (just as awkward as you would imagine...) and tried (and failed) to avoid the germs floating around my concrete palace. It's difficult to avoid 300 sniffly children screaming "EnseƱo!" (Teacher!) and reaching their little hands out to grab you. However, my fellow countrymen and I were not about to let a little thing called the Atlantic Ocean keep us from indulging in our favorite gluttonous holiday. So, 8 Americans, 3 Brits, 2 Italians, 2 Scots and a Swede gathered around the table to share in a delicious traditional feast. It was really lovely to have some nice people to share the meal with. Along with the 5 kilos of mashed potatoes that I made we had turkey, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, gravy, corn, garlic mashed potatoes, amazing brie dumplings that I will dream about forever, dates and bacon (sounds weird but is actually delicious), apple pie and pumpkin pie. It really felt like Thanksgiving after we all finally finished eating and realized the intense physical pain caused by the ridiculous amount of food we consumed. My friend summarized the day perfectly, "If Americans know how to do one thing, it's eat."

Pumpkin pie, the one on the right is organic

Thanksgiving veterans and some newbies

Tommy the Turkey

The table


The spread...before we devoured everything

Me and Sandra


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