Sunday, January 16, 2011

i'm on a boat

Feliz año nuevo! I'm back in Malaga after a lovely, relaxing three weeks at home for Christmas. It was so nice to be home and see family and friends, but once my friends went back to work or school I realized it was time for me to come back to Spain. I'm quite happy to be back, especially considering the weather this week hovered around 73 degrees during the day as opposed to the snowstorms that once again attacked the east coast back home. I arrived on Tuesday and got to see all my friends that night at a surprise birthday party. It was a success, he had no idea what we planned. After that my week got busy with teaching, tutoring, going out and jet lag so today when I woke up and my clock read pm I wasn't all that surprised. You can only fight your own body for so long before it knocks you out. The past couple of days have been really fun, especially yesterday.

After a night out on Friday, Erica and I got up early (kudos to us) and trekked to Benalmádena, a beautiful beach town west of Malaga. Although it's only an hour long bus ride from the center of the city, you might as well cross an ocean during that time because everything in the town is English. It's a huge tourist spot, especially for the pale-skinned Brits (I can say that because I am one) so every sign is in English, the menus include Yorkshire Pudding and Fish n Chips, and everyone soaks up the sun in shorts and t-shirts. For the Spaniards, 70 degrees is cold and merits winter coats and wool scarves. Don't get me started. We wandered around the marina looking for something fun to do when a man asked us if we'd like to go on a boat ride. Hesitant at first, once he told us it was 15 euro with free drinks, we were in. Thus began our hour long tour of Benalmadena with our fearless captain, Pepe and his First Mate. Going on the boat was one of the best decisions I've made, ever. We sailed around the Mediterranean for an hour, Pepe told us his entire life story (I think he was so excited that customers actually spoke Spanish to him) and we each got to drive the boat! Pepe was faithfully by our side to steer us out of danger, even though there was nothing around us except a sailing class of Sunfishes. As we sat on the boat in the middle of the Mediterranean under a cloudless sunny sky on a January Saturday, I think we both questioned why we would ever leave this place. Next year when we're both locked law school libraries, I think this memory will keep us from total depression.

And we're back!


Just a casual Saturday sailing around the Mediterranean

Captain Sam!

Erica and our captain, Pepe

Our boat.

The life

Iceberg, right ahead!

Best decision ever

I'm on a barco

Crazy bird lady


Trying to skip rocks...

Just a little too big for the slide

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